Aluminum Fabrication
We provide our customers with a wide range of fabrication options from CNC operations to punching, precision cutting, aluminum welding, deburring, drilling, swedging, bending, and various other processes that save labor for the end user.
In our modern era of manufacturing, aluminum alloys are used in the aluminum fabrication process to shape parts for anything from Jet airliners and space shuttles to cookie cutters or computer parts.
Aluminum has an infinite number of applications in various sectors of the economy.
With a versatile fabrication department available our aluminum products can offer advantages over most other building materials.
Extrusions Fabrication Services
There are many aluminum fabrication designs in which Extrusions, Inc. plays a major role.
After the extruding process, many of our customers depend on us to fabricate their parts.
This valuable service reduces turnaround time, keeps our customer from having to buy expensive equipment to self-fabricate, and lessens overhead by reducing the amount of labor required after shipping.
All the advantages add up to an increase in profitability.
Machining Operations and Services at a Glance
The fabrication process typically begins by cutting the post-extrusion product to the proper length. Then afterward, to reduce turnaround time and increase profitability, our customers rely on us to provide any variety or combination of machining operations, such as:
Convert your extrusions into workable parts.
Are you looking for a teammate to outsource your manufacturing to? Extrusions Inc has the capability to extrude, paint or anodize, cut, fabricate, package, and drop ship your product directly to your customer. By offering a kitted product our customers can spend their time focusing on other parts of their business.
Precision Cutting
CNC Machining